The Spirit of Aloha Temple is a Non-Prot 501(c)3 Spiritual Service Organization in the lineage of Sri Swami Sivananda, founder of the Divine Life Society, Rishikesh, India, in 1936. Sivananda’s vision was shared by his many disciples, including Sri Swami Satchidananda, founder of the Integral Yoga Institute in 1966. This inspirational lineage lives on today through the dedication of their disciples, including Swami Swaroopananda (a.k.a. Fredrick Swaroop Honig), founder of The Spirit of Aloha Temple, Botanical Gardens and Bird Sanctuary in 1994 on Maui, Hawaii. The Gardens are a sacred eleven-acre oceanfront historic Hawaiian heritage site.
We invite you to join our 'Ohana of Spirit of Aloha Nature Guardians. Nature Guardians embrace all of creation as one family. We strive to live a holistic lifestyle, free of illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco (except as sacraments), and free of meat, sh, eggs, dairy, and genetically modied foods. Nature Guardians are committed to living simply, supporting the earth through our use of sustainable organic horticulture and plant-based nutrition. Nature Guardians are guided by their conscience and the Golden Rule, with service as a primary focus of our lives. We respect teachers from many traditions, alongwith the wisdom of nature, as guidance for living in alignment with the Unitive Consciousness of the universe. Nature Guardians see all spiritual traditions as embodying universal wisdom, summarized eloquently by the twelve foundational values of The Spirit of Aloha:
1) Mahalo - Gratitude
2) Ha’aha’a - Humility
3) Ihi - Respect
4) Laulima - Simplicity
5) Ma’alahi - Cooperation
6) Pono - Honesty
7) Hauoli - Happiness
8) Aloha - Love
9) Kuleana - Service
10) Noa - Freedom
11) Maluhia - Peace
12) Lokahi – Unity
Nature Guardians express these values in their lives through their integrity and generosity, practice of yoga and meditation, and commitment to being easeful, peaceful,useful and joyful. We embrace a lifestyle that is free of violence, (except for self-defense). We employ the ancient Hawaiian wisdom of Ho'oponopono diplomatic negotiations as our means of resolving interpersonal, civil and international disputes. Nature Guardians support:
We invite you to support a Spirit of Aloha lifestyle, and to receive our monthly newsletter updates.
Nature Guardianship means becoming a part of the team dedicated to positive change and historic movement, both here at The Spirit of Aloha Temple on Maui and around the world.
By joining, you also receive free (or membership discounted) attendance to events hosted here at The Spirit of Aloha Temple.